Sunday, August 30, 2020

Welcome to Modern Litercies

Welcome to Modern Literacies. This is the content hub for several COOL (Collaborative Open Online Learning) courses taught at Busan University of Foreign Studies. Materials here have a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike License, so everyone is free to use them accordingly. Additionally, educators and learners are welcome to participate in (and create their own) associated discussion spaces and live events.

- Jeff Lebow

More information about the courses and how things work around here.
(Spoiler Alert: I'm kind of making things up as I go along )

Literacy Hubs

  • Cultural Literacy

  • Financial & Economic Literacy

  • Media Literacy

  • Tech Literacy

  • Health and Well-being

  • Personal and Professional Social Skills

  • Creativity & Critical Thinking

  • Life skills & Common sense

  • The Covid Effect