Sunday, August 30, 2020

Welcome to Modern Litercies

Welcome to Modern Literacies. This is the content hub for several COOL (Collaborative Open Online Learning) courses taught at Busan University of Foreign Studies. Materials here have a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike License, so everyone is free to use them accordingly. Additionally, educators and learners are welcome to participate in (and create their own) associated discussion spaces and live events.

- Jeff Lebow

More information about the courses and how things work around here.
(Spoiler Alert: I'm kind of making things up as I go along )

Literacy Hubs

  • Cultural Literacy

  • Financial & Economic Literacy

  • Media Literacy

  • Tech Literacy

  • Health and Well-being

  • Personal and Professional Social Skills

  • Creativity & Critical Thinking

  • Life skills & Common sense

  • The Covid Effect

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cultural Literacies


  • Multicultural Understanding

  • Working and getting along well with people from other places and sub-cultures

  • Gender understanding

  • Using appropriate register and code switching

  • Linguistic cultural challenges: World Englishes, Usage differences, etc



Discussion Questions

  • What is cultures and sub-cultures do you consider yourself to be part of?

  • In what ways have you personally experienced multiculturalism in your home countries and in other countries?

  • Would you consider marrying someone who is non-Korean or mixed race? How would you parents feel? Would it be OK if your children did? Would their nationality or race matter?

  • How do your feelings about multiculturalism differ from older and younger generations (e.g. parents , grandparents, and children)?

  • What are your first memories of meeting non-Koreans?

  • How would you describe the ‘Korean mindset’ concerning mixed race children? How would you compare Korean attitudes concerning racism and ethnic diversity to other countries?

  • What differences/challenges have you experienced in communicating with people of the opposite gender (family, friends, co-workers, etc.)?

  • What have you noticed about how homogeneous groups of men and groups of men communicate differently?

  • How do you communicate differently when interacting with a man or woman of your own culture?

  • How do you communicate differently when interacting with a man or woman of a different culture?

  • What have you noticed about culture based differences in gender communication styles?
    (e.g. Korean women vs. Western women, Busan men vs. Seoul men)